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"Showy Fleabane "
8" x 10" $80

Enos Mills, the famed naturalist, once called Yellowstone "a wild flower garden". Color is determined by elevation. Visit the park to find where flowers grow.

"Dark Throat Shooting Star"
 8" x 10" $80
In late June and early July, hundreds of wildflowers bloom on the mountain sides of Yellowstone National Park. These beauties are especially pretty.

11" x 14"   $85

Georgetown, TX is the Poppy Capital of Texas. In late April and early May you can find wild Poppies growning in vacant lots and back yard gardens. They are so lovely blowing in the spring breezes.

"Iris In Gold Vase "
16" x 20"   $100

My Grandma grew Iris in her garden and sang as she tended to them. "Come let us grow a garden, a garden, a garden....." I would wake to hear her outside my bedroom window in the morning singing like a bird.

"Tulips In Glass"
16" x 20"   $100

On a visit to Seattle, I went to the Farmer's Market and saw a visual feast of spring tulips. Though we were traveling, I couldn't resist buying a bunch to enjoy in our hotel room.