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Studies in Art

Hands Off Those EGGS!!
8" x 10' $80
I often take the Challenge for the Daily Paint Works
 ( http://www.dailypaintworks.com/Challenges ). This week the challenge was to paint a chicken. He is such a spunky rooster that I could not resist. Thankyou Carol and David. 

Red Apple Study
8" x 10"  Oil
My palette was full of red paint from the first try so I decided to do some red apples.
Apples are tricky objects, more work is needed.

Green Apple Study
8" x 10" Oil
This was my third try.  I found this to be a most exciting excercise.
Having tried this in Carol's class a year ago, it was frustrating as can be, a year later it is FUN and I feel it has loosened me up a bit!!

Green Fruit on Silver
9" x 12"  Oil  $200
After completing 3 studies, I decided to treat myself to a small painting excercise with reflections.  I allowed for more time, about 45 min to an hour and used a 1" angle brush on a black canvas.  I wanted to have a dark background and thought this would be a good start.  The black was mixed using Alizerin Crimson, Ultra Marine Blue and a tad of Thalo Green to cut the purple of the other two colors.  I purposely kept the composition simple to work on brush strokes, colors and reflections.