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"Sacred Place, Mammoth Hot Springs"
Yellowstone National Park
28" x 22"  Oil   $500
My husband and I were sitting on a bench watching people.The Dalai Lama came visiting at the same time. We snapped his picture. Years later, after a second vist to the park I did this painting.

"Sarah's First Snowfall"
8" x 10"   Oil   NFS
Our grand daugher lives in Lousiana and had never seen snow.It was an exciting event to see her reaction.

11" x 14"   Oil  SOLD
My friend wanted a painting of her grand daugher. This picture was snapped just before they left for home. I was very pleased to catch that spunky look so typical of her facial expressions.

"Lexie and Dad"
16" x 20"  Oil  SOLD
Lexie and her dad are friends of ours.  Her dad has such a great look when he holds his children. I had to paint the moment after catching it with a snapshot.

"Drew's Boy"
16" x 20"   Oil   SOLD
Drew's son was 4 years old when I painted this portrait. His blue eyes and blond curly hair begged to be painted.

"Seaside Meditation"
20" x 24"   Oil   $200
Oh to spend time beside the shore with nothing to think about but the waves, the wind and the sand.